Blog navigation text color change?

  • atheod


    What is the text called above the blog post that allows you to see the previous blog post? I need to change that color to something other then grey. I didn’t see any options anywhere in the display options. to change it.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support for better/faster help.

    The text you are referring to are called (I think) navigation links? Anyway, in Graphene, they are identified with the #previous and #next-post css tags, which you can then customize however you want.

    In the Graphene style sheet, they are styled like this:

    #previous a,
    #previous a:visited,
    #next-post a,
    #next-post a:visited {
    color: #929292;
    font: 12px tahoma;
    text-decoration: none;

    If you want, you can break this up to show a difference between posts you have visited and posts you haven’t. Just put the #previous a:visited and #next-post a:visited on a separate line and style accordingly.

    Have fun. (I know I did. See this post to see how much you can do with these.)




    Ok cool thanks man. How did you change the font color of the “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of the page in that link? Also I found that above stuff in the CSS but I wasn’t sure how to change it. Do you have a sample code snippet. I mainly want to change the font color from grey to something like white or black and maybe the font size. I appreciate your help.



    Kenneth John Odle


    Do you have a sample code snippet.

    As a matter of fact I do. I posted all of my blog’s custom CSS here. It’s kind of long, which makes me think that a child theme is in order.

    How did you change the font color of the “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of the page in that link?

    I believe .return-top is the CSS class you’re looking for. (I styled mine a bit differently, however.)




    Sweet man I was able get my post links font changed to black which works well now. I may play with some other decoration later on. Thanks a million. I need to figure out how to do a child theme so that I can preserve the original theme. is the website I am working on. This theme is great and I plan on donating as soon as I get it all fixed up and running.

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