Blank space at the top of each webpage on mobile Neo Graphene

  • barryraphael


    There are empty spaces before the text or graphics come up on our two sites using mobile Neo Graphen, and wondering if you have any suggestions:

    Thank you!


    Syahir Hakim


    Looks like it’s caused by the default margins on the NGGallery slideshow embedded on the page. Images on the slideshow also have different heights, which show up as empty space when an image with lesser height is being displayed.

    Try adding this code to Additional CSS to reduce the margin:

    .entry-content .ngg-slideshow.slick-slider {
    	margin: 0 auto 0 !important;



    Thank you very much, Syahir. I will try that.



    On the site: when I put in the Additional CSS code, it said:

    There are 2 errors which must be fixed before you can save.
    Update anyway, even though it might break your site?

    Breaking my site scared me so I did nothing. The other site did not have this warning.

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