[BETA] Graphene 1.5b

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    Syahir Hakim


    Hi everyone!

    The beta version of Graphene 1.5 is now available for testing!

    Download link: http://code.google.com/p/graphene/downloads/detail?name=graphene-1.5b.zip

    The last alpha release of version 1.5 has a relatively small number of bugs, which have all been fixed. Thus the beta testing period may only run for a short few days up to a week.

    Changelog since version 1.5a:

    * Fixed an issue with the theme’s rtl.css file not being loaded when using a child theme with RTL language

    * Fixed issue with the Action Hooks Widget Areas where after at least one widget hook is selected, the user cannot deselect all checkbox.



    Thank you for the awesome theme graphene and making it free.

    I didn’t find any bug in the beta. Good work!

    If I watch the website, I don’t see that there is any german translation for Graphene Mobile. Do you need one?



    Hi! well i was testing on my site and i find 2 issues

    1- Child Pages listed on the botton of the pages are only 5 in pages with more than 5 child pages

    2- Custom CSS on Graphene Options does not work, at least not with my search box



    Syahir Hakim


    Hi jaztwo,

    Thanks for reporting!

    For issue 1, please try replacing the theme’s loop-children.php with the updated on here: http://graphene.googlecode.com/svn-history/r210/trunk/graphene/loop-children.php

    As for issue 2, can you please explain more in what way it doesn’t work?


    Syahir Hakim

    If I watch the website, I don’t see that there is any german translation for Graphene Mobile. Do you need one?

    Rüdiger Kladt is already working on a German translation file, but I’ll let you know if there’s any issues. Thanks!



    Issue 1 fixed. Well issue 2 only occurs on the main page, I have a google search box positioned with CSS, but not correctly located on the main page only.



    I think I should read the comments. Perhaps will I read them next time ;).



    On the Child Page Options Settings

    “Hide parent box if content is empty” is checked

    “Child page listings” is set to Only Show Content if Parent Content is Empty

    I have an empty parent page but the child page listings are not being shown.

    Is this a bug?

    See http://compton.parish.hants.gov.uk/about/this-website/



    ps if you have an empty parent page with children, the Atuahualpa theme has an option to make the parent page non-selectable in the navigation bar. Could this feature be introduced to Graphene?


    Syahir Hakim



    I can’t seem to reproduce the bug you’re describing. It seems to be working fine on my end. It looks to me like the “This Website” page doesn’t have any child pages assigned to it. Can you check the relationship again in WP Admin > All Pages?

    As for the non-selectable parent menu item in the nav bar, see this post: https://forum.graphene-theme.com/graphene-support/stopping-the-parent-pages-in-the-navigation-bar-from-being-clickable




    the page does have a child. It is http://compton.parish.hants.gov.uk/about/this-website/comments-policy/

    The parent page http://compton.parish.hants.gov.uk/about/this-website/ used to have content but I deleted it.

    I turned on WordPress debug and this is what appears on the page:

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘cspc_posts.post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 10’ at line 1]

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS cspc_posts.* FROM cspc_posts WHERE 1=1 AND cspc_posts.post_parent = 498 AND cspc_posts.post_type = ‘page’ AND (cspc_posts.post_status = ‘publish’ OR cspc_posts.post_status = ‘private’) ORDER BY ,cspc_posts.post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 10

    My ISP is still on PHP 4.4.7 and it looks like MySQL 4 1.22 – could that be the problem?


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