[BETA] Graphene 1.2 alpha

  • Admin

    Syahir Hakim


    Hi everyone!

    The alpha version of Graphene 1.2 is now available for testing!

    Download link: http://code.google.com/p/graphene/downloads/detail?name=graphene-1.2a.zip


    * Changed hooks:

    – graphene_before_rightsidebar -> graphene_before_sidebar1

    – graphene_after_rightsidebar -> graphene_after_sidebar1

    * Fixed home page showing excerpt when displaying posts by categories

    * Optimised comments styling

    * Optimised posts styling

    * Added styling content text not wrapped in <p> elements

    * Added styling for sticky posts

    * Hooked the Google Analytics code to wp_head() instead of printing it directly

    * Migrated the theme’s options to use the WordPress Settings API

    * Added title for archive and search results pages

    * Added configurable columns layouts, now includes three-column layout

    * Added page template for each of the layout options

    * Added option to display the date as inline text in the post’s parameter

    * Added two- and three-column page templates

    * Increased container width to 960px for wider content area

    * Added option to customise browser bar site title structure

    * Added a widget area in the header

    * Added option to display slider content in different style – thumbnail and excerpt, background image and excerpt, and full post

    * Fixed the home page posts listing showing excerpts when showing posts by categories

    * Fixed the slider and pagination not working when showing posts by categories

    * Custom menu styling now affects custom menu in the navigation bar only, and not anywhere else

    * Added child page listing for pages with children

    Bug reports and suggestions go here.




    Hi Syahir.

    Do you have the PSDs for testing 1.2



    Syahir Hakim


    Hurm..not really I don’t. Most of the cosmetic changes are done as I go along. The PSDs I have are for the older designs, except for the sprites.

    But why would you need the PSDs for testing?



    Quality, layers and sprite change.

    Thats All.


    Das Capitolin


    It appears that 1.2 is now final, and available on WordPress. I installed this new version, and immediately had to revert to 1.1.4 because of an unexpected issue. Is or will there be a change log posted somewhere? If the theme is online, the changelog should be too.

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