bbPress user profile layout error

  • Anonymous


    I just installed wordpress, Graphene, and bbPress (forum software). As I was checking out custom color options, I found my way to the bbPress user profile page (different from the wordpress user profile page, which has no problem).

    There are problems with the layout both when logged in and when viewing as a guest, but they are seemingly different problems.

    I would ordinarily harass the bbPress guys about this, but there isn’t a problem when using another theme, and I saw on the bbPress forum that Graphene is trying to be compatible (thanks for that!)

    Anyway, when logged out, the user’s name is written twice, in the same area of the page, and there are horizontal rules between sections.

    When logged in, the content looks correct, but the Description text in the header is styled incorrectly (wrong line spacing and size, I believe)

    The page in question is:

    I took a side-by-side screen capture to compare the problems:

    Any ideas on what I need to edit to keep the interaction between the content title and the page title from happening?


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