Are child themes supported for Graphene Mobile?

  • bgould


    Are child themes supported for Graphene Mobile?

    I have both a Graphene child theme as well as a Graphene Mobile child theme.

    When I go in to edit the Graphene options with Graphene child theme activated, the options get set for the child theme correctly.

    With my Graphene child theme activated, if I go to “Graphene Mobile” options, the options apparently are not being set on my mobile child theme. They seem to be being set for the parent Graphene Mobile theme.

    If I activate my Graphene Mobile child theme, the options under Graphene Mobile still don’t seem to be applied for the child theme. They are being set for the parent Graphene Mobile theme (apparently).

    This is not necessarily a huge issue I guess, because I could probably use a search and replace tool on the wp_options table to have the options set for my child theme, but that seems like it could get ugly.

    Am I explaining my issue clearly enough? Is there a better way to do this?



    Are child themes supported for Graphene Mobile?

    Seems it was the plugin that i was using to do mobile switching that was causing issues. Seems to work fine with Mobile Smart though.


    Syahir Hakim


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