
  • izbryte


    I’m trying to add an article archive that looks like the one on this site but I’m having trouble and I can’t find a plugin that will do it the way I want it. I know I need to create a new template page but I’m confused on what to include on that page to keep my site’s style (look/feel) around it. Can someone please help me? I don’t need a TON of detail… just an example… hopefully. 😀


    Kenneth John Odle

    like the one on this site

    Like the one on which site?

    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.



    Sorry, I guess my link didn’t go through:


    Kenneth John Odle


    I’m not sure how they’re achieving that (it is a WordPress site, though). You can try using Kalin’s Post Plugin which will make it easy to achieve this. I have a tutorial here:

    Let us know how it goes.



    I tried that and got the categories to list fine but I don’t understand how to list them by date or just a full list. Do you have any idea how that works? I’m sure its something simple I’m missing. 🙂


    Kenneth John Odle

    how to list them by date

    Use the “Order by:” menu at the top.

    or just a full list.

    You have to select by a tag or a category. If you want all posts, you’ll need to select all the categories.

    I’m sure its something simple I’m missing.

    It is simple, but it’s not obvious. I found this plugin takes some fiddling with, but it’s worth the effort. Keep trying!



    Thanks so much for your help!


    Syahir Hakim


    Did you get the issue resolved? Please mark it as so if it is.

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