Archive Menu Item is Showing complete posts

  • hilmil



    I followed WP directions to create a static home page with my posts listed under a Menu item you can call Blog, or whatever you choose. I chose Archives and created a blank Page called Archives.

    Under Settings/Reading I’ve got HOME as the Front Page and Archives as the Posts Page. I added Archives to my sub-menu. My problem is that clicking on Archives brings up every post in full. It should show as just excerpts. (It does this on my other blog with the same set up).

    Am I doing something wrong within Graphene? Thanks!


    Kenneth John Odle



    A shot in the dark here, but try Graphene Options >> Display Options >> Excerpts Display Options and tick the box marked “Show excerpts in front page”.



    Thank you Ken! Good worked!! 🙂


    Kenneth John Odle


    Marking thread as resolved. You can do this yourself as well.

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