[ALPHA] Graphene 1.5a

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    Syahir Hakim


    Hi everyone!

    The alpha version of Graphene 1.5 is now available for testing!

    Download link: http://code.google.com/p/graphene/downloads/detail?name=graphene-1.5a.zip

    This is a fairly meaty update, so the more testers the better! Expected testing period: 2 weeks.

    Changelog since version 1.4.1:

    * Added option to disable date display on a per-post basis

    * Added option to display followers count in the Graphene Twitter widget

    * Added option to make links open in new window in the Graphene Twitter widget and social media icons in the top bar

    * Added filter to the comments type in the graphene_comment_count() function

    * Added filters to the arguments passed to wp_list_comments() function in comments.php

    * Added option to disable description in Header Menu

    * Added filter to the theme’s default options. This will enable modification of the theme’s default values via a child theme.

    * Added Russian (ru_RU) translation by Andreas Beraz

    * Added colour options for archive titles

    * Added “Advanced” options page

    * Added option to add widget area to any of the theme’s action hooks

    * Added option to preview the site in the options page

    * Added option to customise the title of custom social media icons

    * Added option to select multiple categories for the homepage panes

    * Added page.php template file so it may be overridden in child themes

    * Added some CSS for WPStats smiley at the bottom so that the default background gradient won’t be pushed up

    * Added “vertical slide”, “fade”, and “no effect” slider transition effect options

    * Added the ability to select multiple categories for the slider

    * Added the ability to use multiple instances of the Twitter widget on the same page

    * Added link to the thumbnails in child page listing when the child page has a featured image set

    * Added option labels-input field associations in options page, so that clicking the label will check/uncheck radio buttons and checkboxes

    * Added the ability for options pages to remember opened sections

    * Added automatic links to hashtags in the Twitter widget

    * Fixed video size in post format exceeding the content area when inline post date display is used

    * Fixed digit-type settings reverting to previous saved value when left empty

    * Fixed the submenus of custom menus everywhere having box shadow when using light-coloured header bars

    * Fixed the author profile image URL of the current admin user being displayed in the author profile field instead of the current user being edited.

    * Fixed the issue where posts are sometimes being repeated on the home page

    * Fixed an issue where the dropdown menu causes a very wide width of the page in RTL website, triggering the browser’s horizontal scrollbar

    * Fixed an issue with homepage panes where smaller image is upsized to fit the width of the pane

    * Replaced get_pages() call with WP_Query() for listing of child pages

    * Migrated all get_posts() calls with the WP_Query() equivalents

    * Several options in the theme’s options page are now hidden when they’re irrelevant

    * Moved the option Hide Top Bar to General tab because this already has a pane called Top Bar Options

    * Changed comments/pings tabbing from using jQuery Tools library to using the native jQuery library



    Sounds great!

    Will test as soon as I can



    Great update! I find it good that there is the old navigation interace in this update and not a new again.

    While I was writing this, for an test I activated “graphene_before_footer” under graphene “Action Hooks Widget Areas”. If I deactivate it and save, then the checkbox is active again. (I don’t know which affect it should have, but I didn’t see any when I activated it or now).


    Kenneth John Odle


    I am experiencing the same thing with the graphene_top_search action hook. Testing it on my science blog.


    Syahir Hakim

    While I was writing this, for an test I activated “graphene_before_footer” under graphene “Action Hooks Widget Areas”. If I deactivate it and save, then the checkbox is active again.

    I am experiencing the same thing with the graphene_top_search action hook.

    Fixed. The issue was with the validator script.

    (I don’t know which affect it should have, but I didn’t see any when I activated it or now).

    After you have activated at least one of the action hooks widget areas, go to WP Admin > Appearance > Widgets and you’ll see new widget area(s) is/are added.


    Kenneth John Odle


    That fixed it, but “graphene_top_search” shows up twice.

    This is an awesome idea, BTW. It makes customising the theme lots easier.


    Syahir Hakim

    That fixed it, but “graphene_top_search” shows up twice.

    That’s because that action hook is called twice in the code. Fixed it!

    It makes customising the theme lots easier.

    That’s the idea 🙂 Makes it easier for WP newcomers to leverage the extensibility provided by WordPress action hooks, without actually having to understand it properly. But of course, nothing beats proper understanding of action and filter hooks and their uses in a child theme.

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