All navigation graphics have disappeared

  • globalguide


    Since the latest upgrade, all of my navigation graphics have gone missing. This is on the desktop version – on the mobile version, all is well.



    Syahir Hakim


    Seems like your website has mismatching URL. The page URL contains www but the links to scripts does not. This is triggering a browser policy that cancels loading of those scripts.

    Check your Site Address and WordPress Address setting in WP Admin > Settings > General, and make sure either both have www or don’t have www.



    That fixed it! Thank you so much!



    Theres a Graphene2 check box to remove the display of author if that wasnt previously present too.


    Syahir Hakim


    Theres a Graphene2 check box to remove the display of author if that wasnt previously present too.

    We noticed that many of the theme’s users are not aware of the author bio feature, which is enabled by default. This results in a rather unappealing display of empty author bio box other than the author’s username and default avatar.

    In the next update of the theme, we’ll include a once-off check to see if the author bio should be disabled. If the site has only one author, and that author has empty bio text and social profile links, the theme will automatically disable the author bio feature. This check will occur only once, and theme users can simply re-enable the feature if they decide to use it in the future.

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