After last update Image Slider and Footer Widgets are not correctly working

  • robertfloripa



    As you can see at the images on the slide are not shown and the footer widgets on the front page are not correctly positioned.

    Please help …




    Hi regarding the slider, its weird, I can see the image and text for one second, then it would disappear. Maybe it’s a plugin conflict? Try deactivating and reactivating one by one to see if this is the problem?

    I used to have the same problem with the footer widgets too. Sometimes, a missing bracket or closing tag can cause this with the theme. Maybe check all codes in your widgets to see if anything is missing.

    I also used to use AutoOptimize plugin, which pushed all Javascript elements to the bottom of the page. Any other similar plugin with minify or minification features can cause this.

    The arrangements of some widgets changed too when updating to the latest version of the theme. So maybe you can also make sure that your widgets are in the correct place after the update. It seems that only on your homepage the widgets are distorted. On other pages it seems fine.

    A last one would be to check if your child theme, if you are using one, is correctly installed.



    Thanks a lot Mabul.

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