Adsense (no) support

  • maurizio


    The theme is not supporting Adsense.

    To me using Adsense means at least positioning a banner on the top logo, bottom post and top of sidebar.

    The generic Adsense option provided is useless and should be deleted to avoid people think that there is a real Adsense support.



    If You dont supply a link its not easy

    even to see if You make any (ad)sense.




    I’m just choosing the theme for the blog whyle i’m travelling.

    when home i’ll put the adsense code, your theme seems customizable…

    The site is but the adsense where on the last theme, bad color e bad ie6 support…noe i’ve just put adsense on a widet text box. it seems not working for the top sidebar. I’ll put it in the code.

    don’t get me wrong, you are doing well apart that huge button…

    another thing not clear is why using a child tehme just for custon CSS, the previous tehme had a user.css, clean, fast…


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