
  • Oliver


    You can insert various sizes of mobile banner with ease in the top and bottom widget.

    However, inserting of others adsense eg fexibel adds, is not possible, because Neo cuts adsense into half and fill in extra space at the bottom.

    I have tried to edit the ccs code in Neo without success. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this? Maybe a Child theme solution?


    Syahir Hakim


    Can you point to the pages where the flexible adsense ads are located? Maybe we can provide some Custom CSS for you to use to solve the issue.



    Please try this link

    I have put the flexible ads in the top, then you can see the space after the ads.

    I have tried to insert a 350 x 200 adsense and it gives the same result.


    Syahir Hakim


    Your site doesn’t appear to be using Neo when viewed using a mobile device. Can you check if the AMTS plugin has been configured correctly?


    Syahir Hakim


    Try adding this to Neo’s Custom CSS:

    ins iframe {
    height: 100%;



    Thanks you very much, for the code! I missed ins before iframe, off course.

    Topic solved.

    I will make a new topic for `Can you check if the AMTS plugin has been configured correctly´

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