Adjusting Content Order for Mobile

  • Rhapsody


    Hello Syahir,

    I have been using your Graphene theme for a few years and it is fantastic! I created a child theme to handle some customizing. Can you please give me advice on how I can change where the home page posts are displayed between the desktop and mobile views (before or after the right column widgets)?

    My theme is setup on the desktop view as follows:
    Custom Header
    Custom Menu
    Two Columns with Widgets Right Sidebar
    Slider (width of left column)
    Home page displays latest posts (left column)
    Note: if template is one column the slider and widgets are not displayed

    I would like to have the mobile view display with the homepage posts to show after the widgets as follows:
    Custom Header
    Custom Menu
    Slider (mobile screen width)
    Widgets (all that were in desktop right sidebar)
    Homepage displays latest posts (mobile screen width)
    Note: if template is one column the slider and widgets are not displayed



    I have solved this using the following approach:
    1. Enabled “graphene_after_slider” widget area using Customizing ▸ Graphene: Advanced
    Action Hooks Widget Areas inc/slider.php
    2. Saved the existing right sidebar widgets as “Desktop only”
    3. Added desired widgets to “Graphene After Slider” area and saved them as “Mobile only”

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