Adding more sliders to the front page in Graphene

  • kaiulanifacciani


    How do I add two more sliders to the front page in Graphene? I am creating an umbrella web site that will link to my three blogs. I would like the front page of that site to have the banner and navigational menu and a slider showing recent posts from one blog. I will put the graphic “button’ to link to one of the blogs to the right of the slider instead of widgets. I would like there to be a slider featuring posts from another blog with a “button” to link to it underneath that with a third set underneath that. How do i do that?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Are those blogs on the same exact domain? Or different domains/subdomains?



    I replied to the email but perhaps you didn’t get it….

    Since I posted this, I created and posted the umbrella site… It has the graphic buttons linking to the three blogs, each with their own domain…

    I disabled the slider until I can figure out how to do what I want. I now would like to have a single slider which randomly excerpted the latest posts from all three blogs. So if you saw something that interested you as it went by and you clicked on it, it would open a new window with that blog and post in it. Is this at all possible?

    Thank you,



    Kenneth John Odle

    I replied to the email but perhaps you didn’t get it….

    There is no email. All support is through the forum.

    Because those blogs are on separate domains, you’re going to need a slider that will also grab that information from the other sites (kind of like scraping, but without storing the information on the site that it’s on). I’m not aware of one that will do that, as that kind of behaviour is generally frowned upon. But you may find one in the plugin repository.

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