Add slider navigation

  • TWA


    I have just started using this awesome theme on a new website and I would like to add slider navigation arrows or buttons or something:

    I’ve used the theme before and there were buttons to navigate through slider options (… but they don’t seem to be showing this time.

    Sorry I feel like this may have come up on the forum before but my searching didn’t bring anything up…


    Kenneth John Odle


    The slider navigation is there, but the .png image that makes it visible is not. Firebug is telling me that the image is not loading. (You’ll notice that your date icons are missing as well.)

    There are two possibilites:

    1) Your child theme is set up completely wrong. There is no import function, rather, the entire contents of the parent theme is copied over to the child theme stylesheet. This can cause all sorts of problems.

    2) Someone may have set permissions incorrectly on the theme folder, the child theme folder, or the images folder.




    I’m guessing the first one.

    All her CSS are coming from the childtheme folder. she may have copied the entire style.css codes from the parent theme.



    the solution would be to remove all the unmodified/unneeded css codes from the childtheme themes.

    Or a quicker fix, which includes copying the entire “images” folder to the childtheme folder.


    Kenneth John Odle


    #1 was my thought, too. But with a proper import of the parent theme, it shouldn’t be necessary to copy any folders over to the child theme folder.



    Thank you both for your help – looking into this now, so will update here once have a solution…



    We copied the images folder over to the child theme for now…

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