Add featured image as thumbnail to posts on Home page

  • adispy



    I want to install this great theme on my blog, but I want the feature image to be displayed next to my posts on the home page. I found this code that is working just fine but is also putting the feature image on the post itself. I only want it on the home page. Can anyone help me how to modify the above code?

    Thanks in advance.



    I want to install this great theme on my blog, but I want the feature image to be displayed next to my posts on the home page. I found this code that is working just fine but is also putting the feature image on the post itself. I only want it on the home page. Can anyone help me modify the above code?

    Thanks in advance.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support



    Never mind, I found it. There is already an option in the theme for this: Excerpts Display Options > Show Excerpts in front page.



    Marking thread as resolved. You can do this yourself as well.

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