4 column widget theme

  • craigh


    Hi, i know it is possible to add widget e.t.c via the use of action hooks, but what would be really good, would be a 4 column widget option, so that you get the same look and feel as the widget sidebars. Not sure if this can be done already




    Just to expand on what i’m attempting to do

    I am trying to create an alphabetical listing page for website links and banners

    I am using one column no sidebar template

    So far I have found a plugin called easy column, which allows me to split the area up as i need (have decided to go with 2 columns instead of 4)

    What i would like to do is for each letter is use a text widget e.t.c to hold all the links/banners beginning with that letter

    The reason i want to use a widget to hold these is to maintain the graphene theme

    is there any way to achive this?

    and just as a second thought, is there any way to add an icon into the header of a widget?


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