1) Adding a 'Home' option to a custom menu and 2) header image URL

  • wvictor


    I would like to add a menu option to go to the home page. Does that have to be a custom link? seems like there would be an easier way. ie…how do I “call” up the front page?

    Also, where would I modify (yes…I am using a child theme) the url that the header image goes to (I disabled the text). Normally it goes to the front page (and I guess a wordpress suffix is appended) but because of some redirect issues at my company (this is for an intranet) I would like to be able to customize where that header image goes to.

    Thanks so much.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Second issue first:

    Find line 120 in “header.php”. It should look like this:

    <?php echo '<'.$title_tag; ?> <?php echo $style; ?> class="header_title">
    <a <?php echo $style; ?> href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>"
    title="<?php esc_attr_e('Go back to the front page', 'graphene'); ?>">
    <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></<?php echo $title_tag; ?>>

    I’m no PHP expert (so this may not work), but see where it says href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>"? Change that to href="http://www.newaddress.com/"

    First issue second:

    I had this issue as well. If you are using a custom menu, yes, you can add a custom link to the home page to that custom menu. It’s fairly straightforward. If you aren’t using a custom menu for the navigation, it just shows up as the first link, before the links to all your pages. See my personal blog for an example.




    Thanks, Ken.

    Would I add the modified text to style.css in my child theme or do I create another header.php file?



    Kenneth John Odle


    2nd header.php

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