

Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Recent Post Problem



    Yes, after playing w/ it for a a few hours I found that you can’t name the Post Title the same as a Category Name. Creates that error.

    Thank You ๐Ÿ™‚

    In reply to: Twitter Widget


    That did it! Thanks!

    Lori ๐Ÿ™‚

    In reply to: Twitter Widget


    In reply to: Excerpt Thumbnails


    Sorry, but think I spoke to soon…now my thumbnails are missing from my older posts page. I only have thumbnails for my 1st page. I would like thumbnails for all excerpts including older posts on other pages, but no thumbnail for first (most recent post).

    In reply to: Excerpt Thumbnails


    Worked like a charm! Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

    In reply to: Home page Issues


    Not static…my options are set to Front Page Displays – Your Latest Posts

    In reply to: Home page Issues


    I’m sorry, but that confused me (1st website)…..is there a code using the font page option I can plug into the appropriate php file (index.php??) or action hook that will give me front page 1 full recent post and 4 excerpt posts?

    In reply to: Author Page & Comments


    First website I have ever done & I think a major light bulb went off for me. Can this be done w/ action hooks? If so which one? I was confused by the action hooks but found an explanation online & I get it now.

    I got into my c-panel and created a functions.php and when I put the code in the code actually showed up on my home screen??? Wondering if action hooks are a better way around it???


    In reply to: Author Page & Comments


    I get this when I try to paste the code in my functions.php file…

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare graphene_get_settings() (previously declared in /home/lburanek/public_html/wp-content/themes/graphene/admin/options-init.php:10) in /home/lburanek/public_html/wp-content/themes/graphene/admin/options-init.php on line 13

    So I’m clear I copied over the file from graphene to my graphene-child pasted that code that Kenneth John Odle provided then update and my website goes down w/ that error. I delete the functions.php and it’s back up.

    In reply to: Home page Issues


    I do not want a static front page. I just want a front page with the recent post in full and the other 4 as excerpts? Can it be done w/ a dynamic front page? Dynamic is what I want ideally. Sorry first website so learning as I go.

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