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  • In reply to: Display Specific Posts Catagories on Pages


    I guess I am not asking the question properly.

    Specifically, what PHP file does the theme use to create the list of the posts to display on the main page and how/where does it get the category passed to it? What is the actual flow?

    I am not familiar with FireFox and FireBug . . . I will look into that. Addtionally, although I would LOVE to create a custom shortcode, I am fairly new to WordPress. I have my background in asp and moving to php has been painful at times. So please forgive me if you think you gave easy answers as they are not easy to me.

    In reply to: Display Specific Posts Catagories on Pages


    Ok . . so both index.php and category.php make a call to loop.php via get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘index’ ) or get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘category’ ) to actually perform the loop and formatting functions of the posts on either page.

    Except that when I try to copy loop.php to a file, say custom_loop.php, for use with “Posts in Page” I get a multitude of errors and am unable to duplicate the original look and feel.

    Has any one else had experience with this?

    In reply to: Display Specific Posts Catagories on Pages


    Isn’t there just a quick way of duplicating the “Category Widget” onto a page . . . I do not really want to have a sidebar widget and wish it to be easily accessible via the main menu . . .

    For instance, the plugin Posts in pages ( is flexible enough that I can point it to a template file . . . but which template file fires the proper css in the graphene theme?

    Additionally, I know I can create a custom menu to fire the Categories instead of a page, but I really want the flexibility of having a semi-static page element as a header, then of course the relevant categories below.

    I thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

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