Visual editor inside the prebuilt page is not working

  • arik



    I purchased the Stacks add-on on Franz Josef theme.

    The visual editor inside the prebuilt page is not working, just the text editor is working.

    I don’t have this problem in widgets when i’m using visual editor.

    How can i fix this issue?




    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Franz Josef support. (Again, no need to shout by using All Caps. We hear you.)

    When you say it is not working, what specific behaviours are you seeing?



    I’m not shouting, i’m singing:)

    i’m just not getting any editing tools from my Ultimate Tinymce pluging… so all i can do is write text and html in the text editor


    Syahir Hakim


    When you say “prebuilt page”, did you mean using one of the prebuilt layouts that came with the Stacks add-on? Or did you mean the custom layout that you created yourself using the page builder?



    I created my self an home page, but also in the prebuilt layouts that came with the Stacks add-on I cant see the editing option of Ultimate Tinymce nor WP edit, while in the widgets there is no problem with visual editor.


    Syahir Hakim


    Can you try disabling the Ultimate TinyMCE plugin to see if it’s a plugin conflict?



    Thanks Syahir!! I turned of the TinyMCE plugin. its working:)

    Another issue:

    These Franz Josef Stack widgets have no options inside (but the Widget Styles on the left)


    -related posts


    -featured image

    -post meta

    -author bio

    Do they have to have some kind of options? Is it another conflict…?




    Syahir Hakim

    Do they have to have some kind of options? Is it another conflict…?

    At the moment they do not have any options inside as they are merely replicating the default behaviours of the same elements in the Franz Josef theme. In the future, we may add options for them if we find that there is a necessity and demand for such options.

    For example, in the next Stacks update the Sidebar stack will have an option for you to choose which widget area to use as the sidebar. This will enable you to create different sets of sidebars for different types of posts/pages, for example.



    Ok tnx




    HI Syahir,

    Another issue:

    1. I purchase the Franz Josef: Layout Shortcodes Addon- At first i saw the option of the addon in the editor.. and now its gone… do you have any suggestions ?

    2. How can i add 2 buttoms in the Franz Josef slider like you have on the demo site?

    and can I remove the buttom from the slider completely with no link attached, just pics slider?



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