Social sharing buttons not showing at top of post. Only works for bottom of post

  • Anonymous



    I’m using AddThis Inline sharing buttons and trying to get social sharing buttons to appear at the top of posts but have run into some problems.

    Under “Buttons Location”:

    1. Bottom of posts: Works fine.
    2. Top of posts: Does not work – no buttons displayed at all.
    3. Top and bottom of posts: Works partially – buttons only display at the bottom of posts

    My code is inserted correctly, and it does not seem to be a conflict because page source does not show any indication for AddThis near the top of posts whenever the display at top option is selected.

    Is anyone else facing this, could it be a bug or is there any thing I can do to fix this?



    Syahir Hakim


    Thanks for the report. It is a bug and we’ll include the fix in the next update.

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