Feedback would be welcome!

  • zoessb


    After many weeks of tears and sighing and not really sure what to do with WordPress (only that I knew I wanted to use it) there followed the discovery of the Graphene theme and lots of reading of the Graphene theme forums and finally celebration – a couple of months ago I published my self-hosted blog. I have been busy for these last couple of months adding content and after reading many forum and blog sites, about to start a serious marketing campaign. Before I do this, I would appreciate any feedback on the site…….

    Would like to say thank you for the creation of this great theme, the functionality and support, it really helped this increasingly knowledgeable newbie!



    Not bad.

    If i were you, thing:

    1. Remove footer background (that white/grey line above black footer)

    2. Align widget advert in center (with div tag)

    3. Change color of widget h3 title (maybe gray to white fadding)

    4. Change color of footer to fade from grey to white (opposite of top_bar), you have great combined color sample (yellow, blue, grey), don’t mess it with black 😉

    5. Play with other colors in main menu… why is everyone avoiding to style menus, I seen dozens of graphene based sites with menus on default 🙂

    Nevertheless, pretty good site!

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