Excerpt Thumbnails

  • jrspots



    I’m using the excerpt view for my posts & found a way to to edit the code to get my most recent post in full and the other 4 on the page as excerpts. Now I have an unwanted thumbnail in my most Recent Post, but I would like to keep the thumbnail for the older excerpt posts. I found this code by Kenneth John Odle from a few years ago and I pasted it in custom css and it worked to remove the thumbnails, but is there a way it can be changed to keep the thumbnails on older posts and just remove it from the 1st one?

    .wp-caption img {display:none;}

    Thank you,


    website: http://www.ffglobetrotter.com


    Syahir Hakim

    #content-main .hentry:first-child .excerpt-thumb {
    display: none;

    Caveat: will not work in some older browsers.



    Worked like a charm! Thank you so much 🙂



    Sorry, but think I spoke to soon…now my thumbnails are missing from my older posts page. I only have thumbnails for my 1st page. I would like thumbnails for all excerpts including older posts on other pages, but no thumbnail for first (most recent post).


    Syahir Hakim


    Try this:

    #content-main .hentry:first-child .excerpt-thumb {
    display: none;
    .paged #content-main .hentry:first-child .excerpt-thumb {
    display: block;

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