change style of widget header

  • andrea_garay2005


    I see so many beautifull and creative widget headers…how can I change them?



    Target .sidebar h3


    .sidebar h3 {
    background: url('http://image_URL');



    I know this is silly…..but can you explain to me step by step where I go and where I paste this?

    I thought I have to go at advanced options but I cannot open any of them



    In your child theme style sheet or in Graphene Options –> Display –> Custom CSS



    this worked, thank you……….it has changed the style….now, how can I create a new style?



    Learn CSS



    I was afraid you might say that πŸ™‚ thank you



    πŸ™‚ I don’t say that usually. But cold, fever and some other commitments are killing me.. I’ll certainly help you later. Many other volunteers in this forum are super awesome in answering support questions. I hope they’ll assist you to fix your issues.

    Feel free to ask questions. Learning is fun!

    Don’t mind my previous reply BTW.. πŸ™‚



    oh I am sorry you feel so bad……..nevemind your reply πŸ™‚

    This is really my first site ever. I have never done any programming or anything…..only surfing the net really.

    But I like it now that I see how is done. I will learn CSS but in time, as my free time is very limited with 2 kids πŸ™‚ So I was hoping to put together this site as soon as I can…… I can :), and in time I wanna learn.

    Best wishes



    – What looks are you going for? Have you decided on a color theme?

    – What font’s are you looking at?

    – You have any sites you in particular you want to mimic or get ideas of?

    If you can answer these I can help you.

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